Difference result between LeCroy Wavepulser40i
2021-02-16 21:08
First...great tool, I love it.
When I look at a S13 Insertion Loss of a 4 port S-parameter with your online tool I do see a difference when loading this same s-parameter in the LeCroy Wavepulser40i S-parameter viewer.
The result are significant where I get -19.65dB@2.5GHz in the online tool and -15.64db@2.5GHz with the LeCroy tool.
Any idea where the difference is coming from?
The SP4 files that I'm looking at are from USB.ORG:
USB31_Embedding_Files\Embedding Files\5G_Standard_A\USB3_DEVICE_TEST_SPARAMS.s4p
Also when using this file the EYE diagram calculation hang at 85%.
When I look at a S13 Insertion Loss of a 4 port S-parameter with your online tool I do see a difference when loading this same s-parameter in the LeCroy Wavepulser40i S-parameter viewer.
The result are significant where I get -19.65dB@2.5GHz in the online tool and -15.64db@2.5GHz with the LeCroy tool.
Any idea where the difference is coming from?
The SP4 files that I'm looking at are from USB.ORG:
USB31_Embedding_Files\Embedding Files\5G_Standard_A\USB3_DEVICE_TEST_SPARAMS.s4p
Also when using this file the EYE diagram calculation hang at 85%.